- Bowling Center
- Community Club & Conference Center
- Golf Course
- Designated Special Events that are not Open To the Public
- Borinquen Bar & Patio
- Safety and security of a military installation
- Free parking
- Affordable prices
- Quality products & services
- 0 to 4 years: Complimentary
- 6 to 12 years: $5 per person
- 13 to 16 years: $20 per person
- 17 years and older: $40 per person
- Renewals: $40 per person

Become a member and enjoy access to:
Plus, the advantages of:
Membership does not allow access to: AAFES Exchange, Gas Station, Commissary, Class VI, or any other MWR Facility NOT specified under benefits.
MWR Membership Card Office is located at Bldg. 660 Depot & South Terminal Road at the Community Club.
Monday to Friday from 7:30 am. to 3:30pm for NEW MEMBERSHIP and RENEWALS.
For more information, 787-707-3215.
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