An official army family and MWR Site

CYS Services

Welcome to CYS

Child and Youth Services (CYS) provides programs and services for children of eligible military and civilian families. Within CYS you will find something to meet your children’s needs, including:

  • Full, part time or hourly child care
  • Before/after school care
  • Camps
  • Programs for your middle school and teen youth
  • Instructional classes
  • Workforce preparation opportunities
  • Sports and fitness activities 

Today’s CYS programs, deemed a "model for the nation" by Presidential acclaim, continue to operate on these cornerstones:

  • Quality – Child care is DoD-certified and nationally accredited
  • Availability – Child care is available on- and off-post
  • Affordability – Fees for various programs are competitively priced and affordable regardless of sponsor's income
  • Accountability - To safeguard the Army's resources by efficient management oversight, good fiscal stewardship, reducing waste and protecting assets of programs and services to Soldiers and their Families.
Child Development Center (CDC): 6 weeks - 5 years (Kindergarten)

Full Day/Part Day/Hourly Care

Ages 6 weeks-Kindergarten*

 CDCs are on-post child care centers that offer full-day, part-day and hourly care for children in nationally accredited environments.

Program Description
Full Day 5 to 12 hours per day. Services are offered to children ages 6 weeks to 5 years old
Part Day Preschool 3 hour/day program with choice of 5 days, 3 days, or 2 days per week 
Before and After Kindergarten* Before and after school care provided for children attending Kindergarten. Full day care provided on school "out" days and during the summer following the Kindergarten school year
Hourly  Care Centers offer reserved and drop-off care on an hourly basis
Pre-Kindergarten/Strong Beginnings

Strong Beginnings is a 3 hour/day program 5 days per week that provides school readiness skills for children turning 4 years by August 1.

* In some communities, Kindergarten children may be located in the School Age Center

School Age Centers (SAC): Grades K-5/8*

Army School Age Centers provide care during:

  • Before school and after school
  • School closures
  • Seasonal and holiday school breaks
  • Summer Camp
  • Hourly Care

Children have access to computer labs and can receive help on daily homework assignments. Programs are nationally accredited and utilize standard curricula through formal partnerships with nationally-recognized organizations such as 4-H and Boys & Girls Clubs of America (BGCA).

* Depending on school configuration

Babysitter Referral Services

Looking for a Teen Babysitter? Looking to be a Teen Babysitter? CYS offers training following the 4-H babysitter curriculum in becoming a certified Teen Babysitter. Teen military family members in grades 7 and up who wish to to expand and market themselves for babysitting jobs can be placed on the babysitter's referral list with parent permission.

Military parents needing babysitters must complete a request form located at Parent Central Services. Once parents complete the required form, they will receive a list of babysitter information based on specified requirements (location, availability, etc). After receiving a list of babysitters, parents can make arrangements directly with the babysitter. All arrangements and fees for care are between the parent and babysitter.

CYS offers Babysitting Referral Services for registered families. Babysitters on the referral list are 13 years or older, have certification in First Aid and CPR, and are trained in: 

  • Developmentally appropriate play
  • Recognition of child abuse/neglect
  • Emergency procedures and interviewing

Stop by Parent Central Services or go back to the Register section to find out more information.

Alternative Child Care

CYS provides additional child care beyond the regular facility opening hours.

  • Kids On Site! (KOS) - On-site child care in a room adjacent to the parents attending unit meetings or events  

Kids On Site (KoS) KoS provides child care on site for your unit/organizational event at the location your event is being held. CYS will provide quality child care providers to watch children ages 6 weeks through 12 years on site. Your unit pays for this service through Parent Central Services. KoS is not available at all locations on post. For information, a quote or to schedule an event, contact Parent & Outreach Services.

  • Volunteer Child Care in a Unit Setting (VCCUS) - CYS can help units to train volunteers to provide child care for unit functions

Volunteer Child Care in Unit Settings (VCCUS) VCCUS is a volunteer-based childcare program that allows for on-site care during meetings and events organized by military units, Army Community Service (ACS) groups or Family and Morale, Welfare and Recreation. Through VCCUS, Parent & Outreach Services will provide training to volunteers from the military unit or organization. The program is designed to allow the exchange of free and temporary childcare services during unit sessions when the demand is high or when child development center services are not available. Parents and guardians of children in VCCUS must be attending the same function and must remain at the site while their child is under volunteer care.

Units interested in the VCCUS program should contact Parent & Outreach Services for more information.

Parents' Night Out*

CYS offers parents a Friday or Saturday night out on the town for children ages 6 weeks through 5th grade. We provide a snack and developmentally appropriate activities for your child.  

Contact Parent & Outreach Services for more information. 

* Available at select communities

Parents' Day Out*

CYS Services offers parents a day out on Friday or Saturday for children ages 6 weeks through 5th grade. We provide meals and snacks and developmentally appropriate activities for your child.   

Contact Parent & Outreach Services for more information. 

* Available at select communities

Waiting List

If you are interested in full-day or part-day child care, please visit to be placed on the waiting list for care.

Military Child Care dot com is your portal for child care at installations around the world. Children can only be placed in child care after submitting a request for care through Military Child Care com.

Fort Buchanan CDC

*Currently the Fort Buchanan CDC does not offer the following services: Part Day and Pre-Kindergarten/Strong Beginnings.

The hourly services are based on availability and registration must be done 24 hours prior to receiving the service.

Youth Center

The Youth Centers have a wide range of programs for youth in grades 6-12, offering fun-filled afternoons, evenings, and weekends. Free Middle School Teen (MST) programs are offered daily after school and in the afternoons during the summer. MST morning camps are also offered at a nominal fee during the summer to complement the free afternoon program. 

There are special activities for youth scheduled on a continual basis, including social activities and field trips. CYS programs utilize partnerships with 4-H Clubs, Boys and Girls Clubs of America, and Character Counts to bring enhanced curriculum and other opportunities for growth and development to our children and youth. Programs are intended to offer positive alternatives that will minimize "at risk" behavior during parental duty hours.

Middle School Teen Program

The Middle School Teen (MST) is a free CYS designated program geared to accommodate youth who are grades 6th-12th (typically 11-18 years of age). Activities of the Middle School program are of a more advanced level than those of the School Age Services (SAS). MST activities are challenging and educational. Some of the activities include: workforce preparation, America's Promise Passport, and abuse awareness classes.

Free programs are offered after school, but nominal fees may be charged for special activities. The Boys and Girls Club Keystone Club meets weekly to discuss concerns and needs of teens. The club also participates in numerous community activities. Activities are planned to meet the four Youth Program Service Areas: Sport, Fitness, and Health; Arts, Recreation, and Leisure; Life Skills, Citizenship, and Leadership; and Mentoring, Education, and Support Services.

Youth Center Activity Rooms
The Common Areas This is a place for youth to relax, play games such as pool, ping pong, etc, or even put on a play in the theater area.
Youth Technology Lab Tech activities for youth include computer access for learning and fun. Computer programs will be used to build youth tech skills. Activities such as Digital Photography, Videography, Aerospace and other life skills will be available.
Activity Room The Entertainment Center offers activities such as video, music, dance, and song. Youth have opportunities to be creative and grow their talents. 
Homework Center The Homework Center offers homework assistance and other educational activities.
Teen Lounge The Lounge is a place where youth ages 13-18 can socialize and relax. Board games and other activities are available as well as TVs for movies and games.

Boys and Girls Club of America:

  • Torch Club
  • Keystone Club
  • Passport to Manhood
  • Smart Girls
  • Healthy Habits

4-H Clubs

There are many active 4-H Clubs in operation. The Youth Center is an affiliate member of the Boys & Girls Clubs of America, participating in many of their grant and scholarship opportunities and utilizing their curriculum to enhance our programs.

(Please see Event Calendar for days, times and events)

Youth Sponsorship

Sponsors for your middle school or high school teens are available either through the youth program or school.

Army Youth Sponsorship Program

The Youth Sponsorship Club can help your teen learn about their new community and make new friends. Getting involved quickly helps children and teens fit in and feel less stress associated with their PCS move. All it takes to join the club is a visit to the School Age or Youth Center or contact the School Liaison Officer.

Student2Student (S2S)

The Student2Student program connects current middle school and high school students with transitioning students.

Youth Sponsorship Registration

Please send an email to the School Liaison Officer (SLO) to request a sponsor. Also, you can download the Youth Sponsor Request Form, complete and include any additional information that might be helpful to the sponsorship staff in the assignment process as they attempt to pair you with a sponsor whom you will be most compatible with.



SKIES Unlimited

Extracurricular Instructional Classes
For children 3 to 18 years of age

SKIES Unlimited stands for “School of Knowledge, Inspiration, Exploration and Skills” with the word “Unlimited” for the unlimited possibilities that this program provides children and youth: 

  • All participants must be registered with CYS
  • On-going enrollment for most classes (New students may need to wait for open enrollment)
  • Currently enrolled SKIES students will be automatically re-enrolled into the next session for most classes to retain their space. Payment for the session must be made before the first day of class.
  • Classes will be filled on a first paid basis.

Children and Youth that are currently registered in CYS may be able to enroll for some of the SKIES classes using WebTrac.

* Available at select communities

School Support Services (SLO)

School Liaison Officers help Families communicate with school districts and schools regarding education issues (to include school personnel understanding the impact of deployment stress on military students), provide transition support, and link students and Families to education and post-secondary resources.

FAQ on Schools

For the most updated information about schools and educational resources in this area and on all Army garrisons, click on the link below or visit MyArmyOneSource/CYS Services/School Support. This site provides a wealth of information for transitioning Families. Scroll down to Easing School Transitions to find the School Support Services Information Pages listed by Army Garrison.

The SLO will:

  • Provide information on student registration in the local school system
  • Provide information on the Student Meal Program
  • Educate parents on the local school system, policies, procedures, programs and schedules
  • Support home school families
  • Supply resource materials on primary, secondary, and post-secondary education
  • Coordinate with SAC and YC for Homework Centers and Youth Technology Labs
  • Participate in Education Council Meetings to elevate parental issues for resolution

These initiatives prepare schools and installations to respond confidently to the complexities of transitions, and provide families the assurance that their children's academic well-being is a priority. 


Military and Civilian sponsors are briefed on Child, Youth & School Services (CYS) Services as part of their in-processing with the installation.

Military and Civilian sponsors with children/youth (infant to age 18) should visit the School Liaison Officer for an explanation of educational options.


Military and Civilian sponsors with children (infant to age 18) will out-process through the Child, Youth & School (CYS) Services School Liaison Officer (SLO) for an explanation of services available to ease the childcare/educational transition, transferring of CYS Services records, and School Liaison Officer (SLO) contact information for the gaining installation.

Families withdrawing children/students from DoDDS schools must provide information for each child to the school. Proper withdrawal ensures that school accounts are cleared, Horizon school meal accounts are cleared, informs the current school to prepare the child’s cumulative record, and ensures that the receiving school can begin new enrollment.

Sponsors/Families must ensure that The Exchange/AAFES Horizon Student Lunch Program account (debts or credits from the school lunch program) has been cleared before departing the garrison.

Military Impacted Schools Association (MISA) has a student checklist at the following site:

Contact your School Liaison Officer to begin.

Youth Sponsorship

Sponsors for your middle school or high school teens are available either through the youth program or school.

Army Youth Sponsorship Program

The Youth Sponsorship Club can help your teen learn about their new community and make new friends. Getting involved quickly helps children and teens fit in and feel less stress associated with their PCS move. All it takes to join the club is a visit to the school age or youth center or contact the School Liaison Officer.

Student2Student (S2S)

The Student2Student program connects current middle school and high school students with transitioning students. 

Youth Sponsorship Registration

Please send an email to the School Liaison Officer (SLO) to request a sponsor.  Also, you can download the Youth Sponsor Request Form, complete and include any additional information that might be helpful to the sponsorship staff in the assignment process as they attempt to pair you with a sponsor whom you will be most compatible with.


School/Education Information

The My Army One Source/CYS Services/School Support website provides a wealth of information for transitioning Families. Scroll down to Easing School Transitions to find the School Support Services Information Pages are listed by Army Garrison: 

Department of Defense Education Activity (DoDEA)

DoDDS-Europe Website

HQ DoDEA Website

School Liaison Officers

DoDEA Online Student Pre-Registration

Military K-12 Partners (DoDEA)

DoDDS Graduation Requirements

DoDEA Special Education

Non-DoD School Program (NDSP)

DoDEA Virtual High School

DoDEA School Attendance Policy

Student Meal Program

Free & Reduced Lunch Program and Eligibility Application (.pdf) 
(Note: This form can only be opened with CAC-enabled computers to allow for digital signatures. A hard-copy is available at Parent Central Services or from your School Liaison Officer)

Free & Reduced Lunch Program Guidelines (.pdf)

National School Lunch Program

External Links

Military Child Education Coalition (MCEC)

MCEC Quick Checklist for Student Moves

School Quest

National PTA

Military One Source

Army Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP)

Military Homefront

National Military Family Association

Student Online Achievement Resources (SOAR)

Military Impacted Schools Association

Study Strong/ for Military

Military Interstate Children’s Compact Commission (MIC3)

Home School Program

CYS Services provides support to registered children and youth that are home schooled by providing access to activities and facilities such as Youth Technology Labs (YTL). 

Contact your School Liaison Officer to begin.

Home School Links

A host nation, state, commonwealth, or territory where a DoD sponsor is stationed may impose legal requirements or restrictions on home schooling practices.

DoDEA Home Schooling Policy

Home Schooling Defense Association

Volunteers & Coaches


CYS  Volunteers

Parent volunteers are a very important resource for CYS. Registered children/youth benefit immensely from the knowledge and skill that volunteers provide to our programs. We're looking for enthusiastic people who want to help out — sharing their talents assisting and leading various activities such as reading to children, participating in field trips, making games, repairing toys, sewing with kids, etc.

Start by becoming a registered volunteer through Army Community Service's (ACS) Go-Volunteer to find out where your talents can be best used within CYS. By keeping track of your volunteer hours, you can qualify for Parent Participation Points.

Volunteer Coaching

Did you play sports in high school or college? Have you always wanted to coach football, soccer or basketball? Are you a cheerleader at heart? Even if you have never played or coached a sport before, you can still become a certified volunteer coach! CYS Volunteer Coaches encourage all children to explore the world of sports, learn the fundamentals of good sportsmanship and have fun at the same time. 

Contact CYS Sports and Fitness to begin. 

Coaches Discount:

Head coaches and assistant coaches can receive discounts. Parent Central Services will calculate discounts offered to each coach.

Coaching Requirements:

  • Required CPR/First Aid and instructional training is provided by CYS prior to the beginning of the season
  • Background checks must be cleared on all coaches prior to team assignment
  • Coaches must attend one of the coaches clinics to review the rules and coaching policies and become certified through the National Alliance for Youth Sports (NAYS)
Summer Camps 2025

Click to see more infromation about our Summer Camp 2025.


More Child & Youth Services

CYS Cardio-Fitness Program

Keep your kids active and energized with CYS Cardio-Fitness!

Mar 24 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm

CYS Cardio-Fitness Program

Keep your kids active and energized with CYS Cardio-Fitness!

Mar 24 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm

CYS Baseball Season

Get ready to hit the field!

Mar 25 3:30 pm - 5:30 pm

CYS Spring Fest

Hunt for eggs, win prizes, and enjoy a fun-filled morning with family and friends!

Apr 12 10 am - 12 pm